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is located in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld, Germany

PETRA III website

The new high brilliance 3rd Generation Synchrotron Radiation Source at DESY: PETRA III. With a circumference of 2.3 km PETRA III is the biggest and most brilliant storage ring light source in the world. Since the end of 2012 all 14 beamlines are available for users.


Beamlines (xtal) Owner/Operator StatusExperimentsWavelength (Å)
P13 (MX1) EMBL c/o DESY OperationalSAD, MONOCHROMATIC0.7 - 2.7
P14 (MX2) EMBL c/o DESY OperationalSAD, MONOCHROMATIC0.6 - 2.1
P11 DESY OperationalMAD, SAD, MONOCHROMATIC0.413 - 2.254

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